tirsdag 23. mai 2017

My first photoshoot- Take 3

Hvorfor har jeg ikke visst dette før??  Det tenker jeg nesten hver dag nå. For det er jo så enkelt å kle seg uansett hva jeg skal. Ikke trenger jeg planlegge heller, for uansett hva jeg tar på meg så passer det sammen. Det tar meg knapt 2 minutter fra jeg kommer inn i garderoben til jeg er ferdig kledd og på vei ut. Og enda har jeg egentlig for mange klær til å ha en ekte capsule wardrobe. Har ikke funnet noe godt norsk ord for det ennå. Basisgarderobe kan brukes, men det dekker ikke helt, en komprimert garderobe kan kanskje være et ord? Uansett så har klær blitt så gøy, selv mine gamle klær som jeg har hatt i årevis er det gøy med.

Why didn't I know this before? I think this every day, because it's so easy getting dressed no matter what occasion. No need for planning, it takes me maybe 2 minutes from I walk into my closet until I'm fully dressed on my way out again. I do love the capsule wardrobe, even if I have to many clothes to have a true capsule wardrobe. And clothes has become so much fun, even my old clothes are fun.

 On my first photoshoot ( which was so fun and also very surprising as I'd never thought I should ever be in this setting) I wore my blue jeans from Fiveunits and a white tee as base and brought a suitcase with clothes, shoes and bunnies.  

 The blazer is 5-6 years old and from European culture, it's so
comfy as the arms is of a knitted fabric and very soft. The only thing from this season in this outfit is the scarf from PM. Watch from Michael Kors.

Boots from Timberland, they are waterproof which is very practical when living in Bergen. Bag from Mulberry, bunnies homemade.

Lille Pernille og Fjonge Frida elsket å være med på photoshoot.
The bunnies loved to be on a photo shoot.

Her kan du se de andre antrekkene jeg laget med jeans denne søndagen.
Links to the other outfits with blue jeans as base.

Until next time

6 kommentarer:

  1. Great outfit! I love the bunnies.

    1. Thank you Saxon, my bunnies thanks you too. 🐰

  2. Hello, I am Ada. Glad I found your blog. Love the cozy layering of your outfit. =)

    Welcome by and join my new linkup from this week. It just went so share your beautiful style. Thanks, Ada. =)


  3. Thank you Ada, you're most kind. Would love to participate in your linkup, just linked 3 of my posts. Will take a closer look at your blog sometime soon, today it's to beautiful and sunny outside.

    All the best Kari
